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discover new Products & Hugo NFT colection in Hugo Inu Ver 2

Hugo a character in the game is famous for his journey to rescue his family. Now he has found his new journey in the blockchain world - Become the leader of Memeseasion.

Hugo Inu New Products

Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print, and publishing industries for previewing layouts and visual mockups.

hugo ticket NFT

This is a product aimed at investors and fans of $HUGO. Owning Hugo Golden Ticket NFT, owners will receive privileges to maximize profits and participate in special Hugo Inu events.

Hugo Visa card

Discover the power of DEFI payments
Powered by VISA - accepted worldwide
Apply multiple cryptocurrencies including BTC, ETH, XRP, USDT, BUSD, etc.

hugo swap

The team wants to help investors of $HUGO receive the best and most convenient conveniences in $HUGO trading and increase the interaction between Hugo Inu and investors. There will be special things built into Hugo Swap.

Hugo wallet

Hugo Wallet will be developed based on Web 3.0 technology with safety and security advantages for investors. The development of Hugo Wallet is planned by the team and towards the solidarity of the Hugo Inu community "Hugo Holders - Use Hugo Wallet"

Hugo Game

Are you ready to revisit the good childhood memories with Hugo in a completely new version of the game? Hugo Games will be a fun entertainment game with attractive rewards around Hugo which will be announced and released in the near future.

Hugo Partners


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